From 我在美国
MIT的Bill Freeman教授曾经给所有在“麻省理工大学计算机科学与智能机器实验室”(CSAIL)的同事发过一份邮件,问他们对这样一个问题:要想在研究上有所建树,一个researcher(研究人员)所需要的最重要的quality(条件)是什么?谈谈自己的想法。
其中《Introduction to Algorithms》(《算法导论》是基础算法方面最权威、最详细的著作之一,在很多国际著名大学被用于算法课的教材。)的作者之一Charles Leiserson教授回了一封有趣的邮件: Bill, 比尔, I'll tell you a joke instead. 我来给你讲个故事吧。 A rabbit is caught by a wolf. The wolf is about to eat the rabbit, but the rabbit protests, \"I'm only a few weeks away from defending my Ph.D. dissertation. I have worked so hard, and everyone tells me I have so much promise. It would be a shame to kill me when I have such a bright future of research contributions ahead of me that will benefit the world.\" 一只小兔子不幸被一头狼给逮住了。这只狼想要把兔子吃掉,但是兔子抗议道:“我还有几个星期就要进行我的博士论文答辩了。我如此努力的工作学习,所有人都对我拥有着极高的期待。我的研究成果拥有辉煌的未来并且将给世界带来巨大的贡献,所以如果你现在吃掉我你将是世界的罪人。” The wolf says, \"You're writing a Ph.D. dissertation? What is it on?\" The rabbit replies, \"It's entitled, The Superiority of Rabbits over Foxes and Wolves.\" The wolf says, \"That's about the stupidest thing you could have said. I'll eat you right now.\" 于是狼便说道:“你在写博士论文?关于什么的?”兔子说:“题目是‘兔子之于狐狸与狼的优越性’。”“这是你说过的最愚蠢的话了,我现在就要把你吃了。”狼愤愤的说。 The rabbit says, \"Wait, wait! Come to my den and read my thesis draft. If you don't agree with my conclusions, I will willingly give myself up to you.\" So, the wolf goes off with the rabbit to the rabbit's den ... and the wolf never comes out. “等等!等等!”兔子急忙道“来我的寝室读读看我的论文草稿。如果你不同意我的观点,我会心甘情愿的当做你的晚餐。” 于是狼便和兔子去了它的寝室...狼一去不复返。 A few weeks later, the rabbit is caught by a fox. The fox is about to eat the rabbit, but the rabbit protests, \"I'm only a few days away from defending my Ph.D. dissertation. I have worked so hard, and everyone tells me I have so much promise. It would be a shame to kill me when I have such a bright future of research contributions ahead of me that will benefit the world.\" 几个星期之后,兔子又不幸的被一只狐狸抓到了。狐狸也想要吃掉这只兔子,而兔子又抗议道:“我还有几个星期就要进行我的博士论文答辩了。我如此努力的工作学习,所有人都对我拥有着极高的期待。我的研究成果拥有辉煌的未来并且将给世界带来巨大的贡献,所以如果你现在吃掉我你将是世界的罪人。” The fox says, \"You're writing a Ph.D. dissertation? What is it on?\" The rabbit replies, \"It's entitled, The Superiority of Rabbits over Foxes and Wolves.\" The fox says, \"That's about the stupidest thing you could have said. I'll eat you right now.\" 于是狐狸也问:“你在写博士论文?关于什么的?”兔子说:“题目是‘兔子之于狐狸与狼的优越性’。” “这是你说过的最愚蠢的话了,我现在就要把你吃了。”狐狸同样愤愤的说。 The rabbit says, \"Wait, wait! Come to my den and read my thesis draft. If you don't agree with my conclusions, I will willingly give myself up to you.\" So, the fox goes off with the rabbit to the rabbit's den ... and the fox never comes out. “等等!等等!”兔子急忙道“来我的寝室读读看我的论文草稿。如果你不同意我的观点,我会心甘情愿的当做你的晚餐。” 于是狐狸也和兔子去了它的寝室...同样,狐狸再也没有出来。 A few weeks later, the rabbit is out and meets up with his old friend the muskrat. The muskrat says, \"I hear you finally earned your Ph.D. Congratulations!\" The rabbit says, \"Yes, I just defended my Ph.D. thesis a few days ago.\" The muskrat asks, \"What was your thesis topic?\" The rabbit answers, The Superiority of Rabbits over Foxes and Wolves.\" 又过了几个星期,兔子出来见到了它的老朋友麝鼠。麝鼠说:“我听说你终于是获得了你的博士学位,恭喜你啊!”“是的,我几天前刚刚做了毕业答辩。”兔子回答。麝鼠接着问:“你的论文是关于什么的?”兔子回答说:“兔子之于狐狸与狼的优越性。” The muskrat says, \"That's quite interesting. Can I read it?\" The rabbit says, \"Sure. Come to my den.\" They enter the den, and the muskrat sees the bones of foxes and wolves all over the floor. In the corner is a large lion. “这个论题可太有意思,我能读读吗?”麝鼠好奇的问。兔子说:“当然,来我房间吧。”他们走进了兔子的房间,麝鼠看到了狼和狐狸的骨头布满了地面,而在角落有一只威猛的狮子。” Which brings us to the moral of the story: More important than your thesis topic is who your advisor is. 这个故事告诉我们:你的导师是谁比你在研究什么课题更重要。 Charles Leiserson 大牛你还真是会玩啊...
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