
2024-04-17 我爱学习 阅读 投稿:本站作者



Two Belgian Universities

in the Top 100 of the 2023

Shanghai Ranking!


根特大学 © UGent / Christophe Vander Eecken


Ghent University (UGent) and the KULeuven once again score high in this year’s Academic Ranking of World Universities with a respective rank of 84 and 86, making them among the best universities in the world. This ranking, better known as the Shanghai Ranking, originally set up by Shanghai Jiaotong University, takes into account factors such as Nobel Prizes, Field-medal winning alumni and staff, the number of highly cited researchers, and per capita performance.

The most significant change came for the KULeuven, who jumped up eight places from 94 in 2022. It is the oldest Catholic university in the world, with a history of almost 600 years. The university is mainly famous for its engineering, biology, and medicine disciplines, as well as for being a world leader in research and innovation.

鲁汶大学 © KU Leuven - Rob Stevens

鲁汶大学 © Wikimedia Commons - CC BY-SA 3.0 - Athenchen



UGent has kept a high score in every university ranking this last decade. The school prides itself on its wide academic portfolio with courses in every scientific discipline but is most famous for its veterinary and agriculture discipline.

The two universities mentioned above are not the only excellent universities of Belgium: we should also mention the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), which both have an excellent track record in innovation and contribute a lot to put Belgium in the spotlight as one of the world’s most innovative countries.

说到创新,您是否知道,根据《2023年欧洲创新记分牌》(European Innovation Scoreboard 2023),比利时是欧洲五大创新领先国之一,其创新表现比欧洲平均水平高出125.8%!

Speaking of innovation, did you know that according to the European Innovation Scoreboard 2023, Belgium is among Europe’s 5 innovation leaders, with an innovation performance that is a whopping 125,8% higher than the European average!
