
2024-08-22 百科达人 阅读 投稿:本站作者



Now, it is generally acknowledged that competence is getting fiercer and fiercer. Therefore, going to a good university is the premise of getting a good job and wining in the competitive society. As a result, university ranking becomes much popular than before. We can also see many ads on the internet which commend a special university ranked first. And universities try to make themselves bigger and stronger to get a better ranking.

Different people have different opinions on universities ranking. The reason why most people oppose to it can be complicated. To start with, university ranking makes good universities superior but put the general universities into a worse condition. What's more, it would do harm to the development of the universities. The governmental subsidy is mostly used on superior universities, while the infamous universities won't get it. The last but not the least, the excellent future of a student is not depended on the university, but to the student himself. In a sense, university ranking is not meaningful.

As far as I'm concerned, I don't agree to it. Each university has its own benefit sand culture, so that we can't evaluate a university simply by its ranking. So it's better to stop ranking university.


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“competence is getting fiercer ”——“Competence”的意思是“能力”、“合格”,它与“competition”同源,但它不是“竞争”。用词错误。

“Therefore”—— 这类连接词有时用得太多,一丁点儿事儿,也要用上,尤其是下面还有“as a result”等等。有些微小的转折,有时在句子本身里面就可以表现出来,那样更好。

“a good university is the premise of getting a good job”—— 汉语中我们常说“什么是什么的前提,”但英语里的“premise”是逻辑学里的前提,有哲学的意义,用在日常生活上不那么妥当。就用“essential”吧,“极为重要”。

“Different people have different opinions”——人们有时确实这样说,其实用一个different就可以了,“People have different opinions”。

“The reasons why people oppose”—— 有些人会说“reasons”和“why”两者重复,都是“原因”,应该避免用在一起。

“To start with” ——“To start with”和“To begin with”都可以,但“To begin with”似乎更常见。

“ranking makes good university superior”—— 不准确,排名并没有让大学更优秀,只是让它们更知名。换个说法,“ranking boosts the reputation of good universities”,“排名提升了好学校的知名度”。

“What’s more”—— 不是很必要,见上面的“Therefore”。

“subsidy”—— 这词经常以复数出现,subsidies,指政府的各种项目的补助。

“infamous universities”—— “infamous”不是“famous”的反义词。“famous”,“著名”,但“infamous”并不是“非著名”,而是“臭名昭著”。1941年日本偷袭珍珠港,富兰克林·罗斯福发表电台讲话,说“a date which will live in infamy”,“这一日将在历史上臭名远扬”,这个名词“infamy”和形容词“infamous”同源。把这里的“infamous universities”改为“lesser known universities”(“不那么知名的大学”)。

“go hungry”——“难以度日”。

“The last but not the least” ——“Last but not least”常见,做状语,比如用在句首,“Last but not least, we should work very hard.”(“最后,但不是不重要,我们应该自己努力”。“The last but not the least”也有,但它语法作用不同,比如,“This is the last but not the least factor in the situation.”(“这是整个局势中最后一个但同样重要的因素”)

“the future of a student is not depended on the university”——前面说了上个好大学是成功的premise,这里又说成功与否不取决于上哪个大学,不管观点正确与否,自己的说法相互矛盾。改为,“the future of a student does not completely depend on the university she attends”(“一个学生的未来并不完全取决于她所上过的大学”)。这里改用了“she”和“herself”,积极表现性别上的政治正确。

“In a sense”—— 前面已经说了几个原因,这里就不要再说“in a sense”(“在某种意义上”),用“for these reasons”(“出于上述各种原因”)。

“I don't agree to it”—— 上面你说了很多,这里说you don’t agree to it; you don’t agree to what? 这里是结论,需要写得很清楚。改为,“I dislike university ranking”。

“Each university has its benefits”—— 也可以,但“benefits”是“福利”,用“merits”(“优点”)较好。

“we can't evaluate a university simply by its ranking”—— 根据语义,把“evaluate”改为“judge”较好。“evaluate”是较为认真地评估, “judge”有“武断”的意思,用在这里似更合适。

“it's better to stop ranking university”—— 停止大学排名只是一种考虑,发生的可能性不大,所以应是一种虚拟。“It's better”很确定,而“it would be better”是比较委婉的建议。Given that, it would be better if you follow my suggestion here。


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